Dynamics (Compressor/Limiter)

Compressor/Limiters alter the gain of an audio channel for signals beyond a threshold level. Signal dynamics are configurable per audio channel within the Vocia software. All Audio Input and Audio Output Devices have Compressor/Limiter capabilities. Changes to settings are reflected in the Dynamics Transfer Function Graph. The parameters listed below need to be configured in order for the Compressor/Limiter to function correctly.


Current Channel

The menu on the left selects which channel the compressor/limiter will be applied to.


This checkbox toggles the Compressor/Limiter between on and off without changing settings.


This setting determines how quickly the Compressor/Limiter will react to input level changes above the threshold in milliseconds.

Soft Knee

Soft Knee compression is available on all DS-4, DS-10, WS-4, WS-10, EWS-4, EWS-10 and PSKIT-1 Paging Stations as well as the VI-6 and VO-4. This checkbox toggles the Soft Knee function between on and off. Soft Knee introduces compression gradually at the threshold level by introducing a smooth transition from the 1:1 ratio below the threshold to the required final compression ratio. When Soft Knee is off, the transition occurs immediately at the threshold level. The Dynamics Transfer Function Graph will reflect this change if the checkbox is available and selected. Certain devices do not allow a soft knee to be used.


This feature determines the intensity of gain reduction above the threshold level (ratio of input level increase to output level increase). For example, a value of 1 represents a 1:1 ratio (1 dB of input increase will result in 1 dB of output increase, no compression); a value of 5 represents a 5:1 ratio (5 dB of input increase will result in 1 dB of output increase).


This setting determines how quickly gain reduction is released once the input signal falls below the Threshold.


This setting determines the input level at which signal compression is introduced and increments in 0.5dB steps although .1dB increments can be added using the keyboard.

Output Level

The output level setting is used to increase or decrease the level of the audio signal post compressor. The default output level is set to 0dB, meaning that any signal post the compressor will be at the nominal audio level of the Vocia system. See Gain Structure for details on when and when not to use this function. Only certain device support this function.