Major Alarms

Major Alarms


Alarm Sub Type

Alarm Description (Hover)

Amplifier Communications

Channel Number

The amplifier network module has failed to communicate with the specified amplifier output module

Amplifier Configuration

Channel Number

The amplifier output channel is not correctly configured

Amplifier PSU


The amplifier output module power supply has failed

Amplifier PSU Overload


A fault occurred on the amplifier power supply

Audio Input Path

Channel Number

The device is configuring and cannot deliver audio at this time

Audio Output Path

Channel Number

The audio output path has failed

Auxiliary PSU Failure

PSU Number

A fault occurred on the auxiliary 24V power supply

Brown Out

Channel Number

The amplifier output module power supply has fallen below operational voltage

Channel Failure

Channel Number

The amplifier output channel has failed

Control Alarm Input

Channel Number

A Control Input configured to report an alarm is active

Control Input Communications


The host processor cannot communicate with the specified Control Input

Control Input Open

Channel Number

The control input is open circuit

Control Input Short

Channel Number

The control input is shorted to ground

Control Output Communications


The host processor cannot communicate with the specified control output

Control Output Open

Channel Number

The control output is open circuit

Control Output Short

Channel Number

The control output is shorted to ground

DC Out

Channel Number

DC Voltage has been detected on the output channel

DSP Operation


The device has a digital signal processor fault that may prevent delivery of audio

Fan Stuck Rotor

Fan Number

The chassis fan has failed

Flash Memory


A hardware memory corruption has been detected

Ground Fault

Channel Number

A cable short to ground was detected on the output channel

Heap Memory


The device's heap memory has been exhausted

IM-16 Input


The IM-16 input has a fault

IM-16 Input Transmission Path


The IM-16 Control Input configured to indicate a path fault has been asserted

LSI-16 Network


The LSI-16 or monitored equipment has a network Fault

Main PSU Failure


A fault occurred on the AC power supply



The microphone has failed

Network Interface

Interface Number

The network interface has failed

Output Communications


The LSI-16 is unable to communicate with its control output driver

Output Driver Overload

Channel Number

A clip fault occurred at the amplifier output

Output Open Short Low

Channel Number

The control output is shorted to ground

Output SDRAM


There is a fault in the audio delay memory

Output Short High


The control output is connected to an unexpected voltage source

Plug-in Module Installed

Module Name

There is a fault with the option module or hardware is inconsistent with the device's configuration

Power Over Ethernet


The power supply from the Power over Ethernet (PoE) source has failed

Remote Configuration


A remote device in the emergency system is not configured

Remote General


A configured emergency device has a fault

Remote Memory


A configured emergency device has a memory fault

Remote Network


A configured emergency device has a network fault

Remote Power Supply


A remote emergency device has a power supply fault

RS-232 Interface Transmission Path


An LSI-16 VTP handshake token was not received in the required time on the LSI-16 serial port

Secondary Active


The back-up amplifier in a redundant pair is now active

Short Circuit

Channel Number

The amplifier has detected a short circuit on the output channel

Speaker Line

Channel Number

The output channel has a speaker line fault

Stack Memory


The device's stack memory has been exhausted

System Power


A fault with the primary DC power supply to the LSI-16 has been detected

System Power Transmission Path


The LSI-16 is indicating a system power transmission path. Check IM-16 Control Input 1 or if fitted CI-1 U, P, W Connections

TCP/IP Interface Transmission Path


An LSI-16 VTP handshake token was not received in the required time on the TCP/IP control port


Channel Number

The amplifier output channel has been shutdown due to overheating

TTS-1 Request Service


The TTS-1's request manager is not running

TTS-1 Voice Configuration


The TTS-1's configuration is using a Voice Font that has not been installed on the TTS-1

Virtual Input Transmission Path


A virtual input configured to indicate a path fault has been asserted