LSI-16(e) VTP Interface

Hardware Connection

To communicate with the LSI-16 a connection can be made using a TCP/IP socket on port 8050, or by connecting to the physical RS-232 connector on the back of the LSI-16.

Raw Socket (Ethernet)

RS-232 Connection

Pin 2 - RX Data

Pin 3 -TX Data

Pin 5 -Ground

The LSI-16 operates as a slave to the third party controller and as a result will only respond to commands sent to it.

The Vocia software is used to enable and configure the TCP or RS-232 connections to the LSI-16. Once the LSI-16 is placed in the configuration, settings can be configured in the LSI-16 General Settings tab.

LSI-16 External Control Configuration

Fig 2 – Screenshot of LSI-16 General Settings Tab