GPIO-1 Inputs

Sixteen Control Inputs are provided on the GPIO-1. The inputs support both 24V, TTL and Contact Closure input levels which are configurable in the software. An input configured for 24V logic will be able to be monitored for the presence of a terminating resistor to detect open circuit faults. See the GPIO-1 Hardware section for more details on hardware functionality.

Inputs are discrete, meaning only one Control Input Event can be assigned to a physical input at a time.

The Name and Description columns allow users to associate each of the four Input and Output channels with the physical input and output configuration of the device.

The Logic Level column specifies the required logic level trigger to assert an input.

Please review the GPIO-1 Wiring Inputs section for physical connection details.

An Active State can be specified. This can be configured as a High, Low, Toggle High and Toggle Low trigger. A Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold can also be specified.

The Control Event field can be used to select a Control Handle, Page Code, User Input, System Mute, Zone State, Emergency Fault, Emergency Zone Alarm or Emergency Zone Reset Control Event.  

The Assigned Value field can be used to configure additional options for the selected Control Event.

The following Control Input Events are supported;

In addition to standard GPIO-1 Control Input Events, if the World contains a Life Safety Interface 16e (LSI-16e) then the GPIO-1 can be configured to assert and control the Emergency system. The inputs can be configured to control the following Emergency Input Events;

For further details on Control Input Events, please refer to the Control Input Events section.