LSI-16e GPIO-1 Indicators

The fifteen Interface Module LEDs located on the front panel of the LSI-16e can be associated to display input states of up to 5 separate GPIO-1 units per indicator. The Indicator will illuminate yellow on a Fault Input condition on any input of that GPIO-1 unit and will flash yellow if the GPIO-1 device detects an open circuit/short low condition any of its inputs

GPIO-1 Indicators

The Indicator numbering begins at 2 and ends at 15. Indicator 1 is used as a summary indicator for the physical inputs on the LSI-16e which is why only LEDs 2 through 16 are assignable to GPIO-1 units.

Using the drop down menus next to the desired indicator, a drop down list showing the Device, the Device ID and the Device Name can be used to associate the GPIO-1 unit to an LSI-16e indicator.

See the GPIO-1 Fault State Indication on LSI-16e section for more details.