GPIO-1 Fault State Indication on LSI-16e

The sixteen Interface Module LEDs located on the front panel of the LSI-16e have two modes of operation. If there aren’t any GPIO-1 units associated with the LSI-16e then the 16 LEDs will indicate the state of the rear inputs local to the LSI-16e as per normal. If however the LSI-16e has been assigned indicators from the GPIO-1 for use as part of the VACIE then the sixteen LEDs will fulfill a different role. They can be used to summarize the inputs states and monitoring fault conditions of one or more (up to 5) GPIO-1's per LSI-16e LED indicator. See the LSI-16e GPIO-1 Indicators section for mode details of assigning the inputs of an LSI-16e.

View of an LSI-16e Front Panel

Chassis LEDs

Chassis LED's can not be associated as indicators for a GPIO-1. See the LSI-16e Front Panel LED indication section for details of standard behavior.

Indicator LED's - LED 1

As soon as the GPIO-1 mode is enabled in the software by assigning a GPIO-1 input to a LSI-16e LED in the LSI-16e Properties > GPIO-1 Indicators tab, indicator LED 1 will summarize any fault conditions applying to the local 16 inputs on the rear of the unit. If all inputs configured to raise faults are inactive and there are no monitoring faults then the LED will be off.

If however any one of the inputs on the rear of the LSI-16e is configured as a fault input (PSU Fault, Transmission Path Fault, Ethernet Fault, etc.) and any one of these inputs goes active then LED 1 will illuminate solid yellow. 

If the LSI-16e monitoring procedure detects an open circuit/short low condition any of the inputs then the LED 1 will flash yellow. This will occur regardless of the current state of the LED.

Indicator LED's - LEDs 2 to 16

When GPIO-1 mode is selected by assigning a GPIO-1 input to a LSI-16e LED (in the LSI-16e Properties > GPIO-1 Indicators tab) Indicator LEDs 2 through to 16 will be used to summarize conditions applying to the assigned GPIO-1 devices. Even if an input has not been associated with a GPIO-1 the LED's in this range will all act under the GPIO-1 mode of indication.

If all inputs configured to raise faults on all GPIO-1 devices in the group are inactive and there are no monitoring faults then the LED will be off.

The LED associated with a group of GPIO-1 devices will illuminate solid yellow if there are GPIO-1 inputs on any one of the GPIO-1 devices configured as fault inputs AND any one of those inputs on any one of the GPIO-1 devices goes active. 

If the GPIO-1 monitoring procedure on any one of the GPIO-1 devices detects an open circuit/short low condition any of its inputs then the associated LSI-16e LED will flash yellow. This will occur regardless of the current state of the LED. This is the highest priority indication.