WR-1 Hardware

This section is provided to aid in the use of the WR-1.  Please see the WR-1 Manual for further information on installation of the device.


The WR-1 features a backlit display that provides an easy-to-read interface to view the menu options and setup screen. Please note: the display will flash during a firmware update, this behavior is normal.

Select Buttons

The two buttons below the Select label are used to choose different functions on the WR-1. The function of these buttons depends on the item displayed on the screen.

Adjust Buttons

Below the Adjust label are two buttons whose function depends on the item displayed on the screen as well. Generally, the item will be the Volume Screen, so the Adjust + and - buttons would control the volume of the Zone associated to the WR-1. However, when the Page Inhibit Screen is displayed, for example, the buttons will turn this function on/off.

Display Views

The user can cycle through the screens listed below by pressing the select buttons:

Background Source Screen

This screen displays the current Source on the top line and the number of defined sources. A label associated with the currently selected background source will be displayed below. If the user presses the adjust buttons while this screen is displayed, the currently displayed audio source will be selected. If one or more local inputs are associated with the Zone, they will be automatically added to the selection list.

Volume Screen

The Volume Screen is the default display screen, which the unit will revert to if a control has not been adjusted for a period of sixty seconds. The LCD shows a number between 0 and 100 in the top right corner, and a bar graphic represents the volume setting. As volume increases, the bar lengthens from left to right and the number increases. At maximum volume, the bar is at full length. At minimum volume, the bar is replaced with the word Off.

Volume Mute Screen

This screen provides muting control for the current background source. The LCD shows Volume Mute at the top with On or Off displayed in the lower center of the screen. When Volume Mute is on, the background source is muted and the current background volume setting is stored. The volume setting will be restored once the mute is off.

Page Inhibit Screen

This screen will display Page Inhibit at the top with On or Off displayed in the lower center of the screen. When Page Inhibit is on, only paging events with a Priority above the Page Inhibit Priority Threshold will be broadcast to the Zone.

Device Unavailable Screen

The Device Unavailable Screen will become active if the WR-1 cannot connect to the Vocia system.

Device Information Screen

The Device Information Screen shows the Device ID, the system time, and the time and date of the last firmware update. To access the Device Information Screen, press and hold three of the four front panel buttons.

System Mute

A System Mute Message is displayed when a Control Input configured as a System Mute has been enabled. This text is able to be customized in the World Properties > Options Dialog