MS-1e RS-232 Wiring

The RS-232 interface supports a command rate of 10 commands per second except where a response is expected in which case the controller must wait for the response in its entirety. You can connect to the VTP service using the following settings and cable with the pin-out as follows;

Raw Socket (Ethernet)

RS-232 (Serial)

Pin 2 - RX Data Pin 3 -TX Data Pin 5 -Ground
  • Baud 115200
  • Stop bits 1
  • Parity None
  • Data Bits 8
  • Flow Control None

The RS-232 settings listed above are default values however they are able to be customized in the MS-1e Options dialog. RS-232 must be enabled in the MS-1e Options dialog before it can be used.

If a TTS-1e is in the system it can act as a VTP proxy for MS-1e VTP Commands. If TTS-1e Sequences are triggered via VTP, the TTS-1e should be used as the primary VTP Interface for MS-1e and TTS-1e VTP Commands.