Vocia Text Protocol (VTP) is a remote control protocol that provides an interface for third party control. Depending on the interface method used, this either employs a TCP connection method via the use of a unique TCP port number, or via a serial (RS-232) connection. Due to the distributed nature of the Vocia system, the VTP connections have also been designed with this in mind. Therefore there are a number of different hardware configurations supported.

In all connection methods a common message format has been employed. VTP is an ASCII, line based protocol. Commands are entered as a single command letter, followed by a string of arguments relevant to the command, and then executed by a command entered on a new line. VTP commands are not case sensitive, although arguments can be case sensitive. Commands and arguments are separated by a space. All VTP responses are in XML to facilitate parsing by third party applications.

MS VTPMS-1/MS-1e Vocia Text Protocol - A control system can connect to the IP address of a Vocia MS-1/MS-1e at a specific port address (8020) and the MS-1/MS-1e will accept VTP commands for the Vocia system. A RS-232 serial connection is also supported and can be used in conjunction with IP control. Up to 30 Concurrent VTP sessions are supported. If this limit is exceeded the Logger will indicate a 'no room for new client' message. A  MS-1/MS-1e is required for this VTP functionality.

TTS VTPTTS-1/TTS-1e Vocia Text Protocol - A control system can connect to the IP address of a Vocia TTS-1/TTS-1e at a specific port address (8020) and the TTS-1/TTS-1e will accept VTP commands for the Vocia system. A TTS-1/TTS-1e is required for this VTP functionality.

LSI VTPLSI-16/LSI-16e Vocia Text Protocol -A control system can connect to the IP address of a Vocia LSI-16/LSI-16e at a specific port address (8050) or via a RS-232 serial connection to the rear of the LSI-16/LSI-16e. The LSI-16/LSI-16e will accept VTP commands for the Emergency elements of a Vocia system. Please note that a LSI-16/LSI-16e is required for this VTP functionality.

PS VTPPaging Station Vocia Text Protocol - A control system can connect to the Auxiliary Port of a DS-4, DS-10, WS-4, WS-10, EWS-4, EWS-10, PSKIT-1 (configured for VTP Mode) or a VPSI-1 via an RS-232 connection. The Paging Station will accept VTP commands for Paging elements of a Vocia system. EWS-10 and EWS-4 Paging Station will only reference Emergency Zones.