ID Switches & Device IDs

Unless a Device has been discovered using the Discovered Devices function, an ID will need to be set on both the unit and in the Vocia software.  All Vocia Devices (except the ELD-1) use a two-character hexadecimal numbering scheme to identify themselves.  Hexadecimal uses a base of sixteen characters: symbols 0 through 9 represent numbers zero through nine, and symbols A through F represent numbers ten through fifteen. Please note that an ID setting of 00 is invalid. 

A typical Device ID might be 9F.  This address is set on two rotary hexadecimal switches on the device; for this example, the switch marked MSB is set to 9, and the switch marked LSB is set to F.  Device ID switches should be set using a 2.5mm (0.1”) to 3.0mm (0.12”) flat blade screwdriver.  It is not necessary for the user to convert the hexadecimal number to decimal because each Device within the Vocia software has an interactive setup display similar to that shown below, permitting simplified entry of hexadecimal ID values.  While inside a Device Dialog window, the user can prompt this display by double clicking on the ID dropdown box shown above.

All Vocia Devices (except the ELD-1) must have an ID set on the Device ID switches.  The number must be unique for Devices of the same type within a Vocia World; however, two Devices of different types can have the same ID.  For example, a VI-6 and a VO-4 can both be set to ID 1A; but two VI-6s set to ID 1A will not function.  If two Devices of the same type are set to the same ID, a Duplicate Devices error will be generated in the Vocia software