MS FTP Interface

The MS-1e features a built in FTP interface to allow third party control systems to upload audio files for playback. The third party system will be required to upload files to the MS-1e at run time before they can be used for playback in custom sequences. See the Audio File Manager section for supported audio formats.

Loading Files to the MS-1e via FTP for Subsequent Playback

The loading of audio files to the MS-1e is facilitated by using an FTP client and connecting to the MS-1e's IP Address.

Files will be allowed to be uploaded either as an anonymous user or using the Username and Password “vtp” (this is supported by default and is not configurable). Each .wav file must be formatted according to the supported audio format as expected by the Audio File Manager.

WAV File Format

Vocia only supports .wav type RIFF files that contain mono 16-bit PCM data with a sample rate of 48kHz.  The first two subchunks in the file must be the format (fmt) chunk and the data chunk. Other chunks in the file will be ignored. The maximum length of a single audio file is 120 seconds. The total FTP space available for custom .wav files provided by a third party is 10GB.

Custom WAV file destinations

There will be two destinations for .wav files depending on their use;

Using Files Uploaded to the MS-1 via FTP in a Custom Page Sequence

Files uploaded via FTP will be available for playback using either the path /customwavs/lt/<filename> or /customwavs/st/<filename> where <filename> is the name of the file that has been uploaded by the third party system. The Message Player in the MS-1e will make no attempt to wait for the file to finish being uploaded to the MS-1e via FTP, and it is up to the third party sequence to wait for the files to be fully uploaded before using them in an announcement. Similarly the Message Player in the MS-1e will make no attempt to ensure that the files exist before attempting to play them back. In both cases an error during playback will occur which will be reported in the system log and the message playback will fail. Any remaining Elements will not be played back and the Page event will end.

The ‘E’ command is used to specify a file uploaded via FTP as an Element in a sequence. See the set_Elements_for_a_paging_sequence in the MS VTP Commands section for more information on using the 'E' command and required formatting.