Live Streaming Interworld Paging

A single Page can be heard live in multiple Worlds at the same time with Live Streaming Interworld Paging (excluding delays caused by transmission of the audio, encode/decode time, jitter buffers, etc). Live Streaming Interworld Paging is a function of the MS-1e using the existing paging devices as the paging source (i.e. Paging Stations, POTS-1, VoIP-1 and VAM-1). The non-'e' variant of the MS-1 does not support Live Streaming Interworld Paging.

In the Live Streaming mode the fourth network port of the MS-1e is used to form an IP-based Interworld Paging network. This network uses VoIP protocols (SIP and RTP) to stream audio between the devices.

Audio Flow:
1. Paging station transmits audio in to the local CobraNet network.
2a. Local MS-1e listens to the audio from the CobraNet network.
2b. Local output device plays the audio out to the local Zones.
3. Local MS-1e transports the audio in to the VoIP conference bridge.
4. Remote MS-1e listens to the audio from the conference bridge.
5. Remote MS-1e transports the audio into the remote CobraNet network.
6. Remote output device plays the audio out to the remote Zones.


Interworld Streaming will require at least one MS-1e in the local World as well as at least one in each remote World. The steps necessary to enable Live Streaming are as follows:

1. Set the Universe Properties > Live Streaming Interworld Paging to be enabled and configure the Link Quality Setting.
2. Configure a Page Code to Stream Live to Remote Worlds in the World Properties. Define the destination Worlds and Zones on the Zones tab.
3. Specify an IP, Subnet and Gateway for LAN-4 in the MS-1e General tab.
4. Set the Interworld Link Quality Settings in the World > Options tab. This step is optional incase of different link qualities compared to those specified in the Universe properties.

When a Live Streaming Interworld Page Code is requested it analyzes the local World Zones to decide whether the page can proceed (within the local World) based on the Priority. If all the local Zones are available then an MS-1e in the local World will be instructed to act as a VoIP conference bridge. Depending on the destination Worlds configured in the Page Code, one MS-1e from each destination World will be invited to join the conference bridge. After all the required Worlds have joined the conference, the paging device will be instructed to start transmitting audio onto the local CobraNet network. The local MS-1e will transport the audio from the local CobraNet network into the conference bridge. Each remote MS-1e will transport the audio out from the conference into the remote CobraNet network to be played at the destination Zones.

Before a remote MS-1e joins the conference, it will be required to analyze the destination Zones in its local World to decide whether the Page can proceed in that World. If any of the Zones in a remote World are busy with pages at the same or a higher priority, the page will be deemed unsuccessful and fail to be established. In other words, all the local and remote destination Zones must be available in order for a Live Interworld Streaming to proceed. However, if a remote World is unreachable due to all the MS-1e's in that World being Offline or unreachable via the Interworld VoIP network, the page will be allowed to proceed to the remote Worlds that can be reached.

Each MS-1e will support up to 8 outgoing simultaneous Live Streaming Interworld pages. Concurrently each MS-1e will also be able to receive up to 8 simultaneous Live Streaming Interworld pages from other Worlds. If there is more than one MS-1e in a World, one of them will be randomly selected to participate in the VoIP conference. If the selected MS-1e is already running at full capacity, the random selection process will continue until it finds an available MS-1e. If all the MS-1e's in a World are unavailable, the Live Interworld Page will be deemed unsuccessful and fail to be established.

Live Streaming Interworld Paging does not support the Store & Forward, Delayed Release and Auto Repeat options; however it is possible to configure the Infinite or Custom Interworld Page length. Live Streaming does not support Emergency paging or functions.

To save bandwidth the Voice Activity Detection mechanism will not stream audio when the input level drops below -25dB. The announcement will stop in the remote world if it falls below this threshold and will resume automatically when this threshold is exceeded again. The announcement in the local world will keep playing regardless of the input level.