VI-8 Control

Control Inputs

Inputs are discrete, meaning only one Control Input Event can be assigned to a channel at a time.

The Name and Description columns allow users to associate each of the Input channels with the physical input and output configuration of the device.

The Logic Level column specifies the required logic level trigger to assert an input.

Please review the VI-8 Wiring section for physical connection details.

The Control Event field can be used to select a Control Handle, Page Code, User Input, System Mute, Zone State, Emergency Fault, Emergency Zone Alarm or Emergency Zone Reset Control Event. Additionally, the ninth Control Input (labeled SI) can be configured to receive a device status monitoring connection from upstream daisy-chained VI-8s. For details of this hardware configuration refer to the VI-8 Hardware section.

Device Status Monitoring

For the Status Monitoring to be enabled the Enable Device Status Monitoring must be enabled on the VI-8 Options tab. If the status monitoring is not required, this input can be used as a ninth Control Input. If, on the General tab, the Signal Present drop down has been configured as a Control Input, the Control Event will be listed as Signal Present.

Please review the Status_Wiring section for physical connection details.

Assigned Values

The Assigned Value field can be used to configure additional options for the selected Control Event.

The following Control Input Events are supported;

In addition to standard VI-8 Control Input Events, if the World contains a Life Safety Interface 16e (LSI-16e) then the VI-8 can be configured to assert and control the Emergency system. The inputs can be configured to control the following Emergency Input Events;

For further details on Control Input Events please refer to the Control Input Events section.


Control Outputs

Outputs are discrete, meaning only one Control Output Event can be assigned to a physical Output at a time.

The Name and Description columns allow users to associate each of the Output channels with the physical input and output configuration of the device.

An Active State can be specified for outputs 1-4 this can be configured as a High, Low, Pulse High and Pulse Low. When Pulse High or Pulse Low are selected, the Pulse Time column will become available. The Pulse Time field allows the amount of time the output is asserted to be specified in milliseconds.

The Control Event field can be used to select a Paging Activity, Control Handle, Emergency Message, Emergency Indicator, Page Code Barrier Gateway Fault, System Trouble, Audio System Fault and System In Alarm Control Event.

Device Status Monitoring

The fifth Control Output (labeled SO) can be configured for Device Status Monitoring or as a Control Output. The VI-8 Options tab can be used to assign the desired behavior.

When Device status monitoring is required the SO Output can be configured to transmit a device status monitoring signal to a downstream daisy-chained VI-8. For the Status Monitoring to be enabled the Enable Device Status Monitoring option must be enabled on the VI-8 Options tab. Please review the Status Wiring section for physical connection details.

If the status monitoring is not required, this input can be used as a fifth Control Output. An Active State can be specified for output 5 this can be configured as a High, Low, Pulse High, Pulse Low and Monitored Active Low.

Assigned Values

The Assigned Value field can be used to configure additional options for the selected Control Event.

The following Control Output Events are supported;

The Active State will be forced Low whenever Page Code Barrier Gateway Fault, System Trouble, Audio System Fault or System In Alarm is selected. This is to ensure that the contact is de-energised when in Alarm, so a loss of power will present as an alarm. The active state (open or closed contact) of the interfacing equipment should be suited to facilitate this by wiring to either the NO or NC terminals.

For further details on Control Output Events, please refer to the Control Output Events section.