PS VTP Commands

Access Commands

V – Validate Pin




Four Digit Pin

This command is used to supply a PIN to unlock the paging station in the case where PIN access has been configured by use of a PIN Group in the Vocia software.   The paging station will validate the supplied PIN then unlock the station if the PIN is OK.

If the PIN is valid and the station has been unlocked the response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “V”> <State>AUTH_SUCCESS</State></Status>

If the PIN is not valid, the paging station will be locked and the response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “V”> <State>AUTH_FAIL</State></Status>

Example Sequence with XML Responses

V 1234

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="V"><State>AUTH_SUCCESS</State></Status>


L – Lock Paging Station

Command Argument
L Not needed

The “L” command can be used by the third party application to lock the paging station after it has been unlocked using the “V” command.

When the paging station is configured for serial control, the paging station default time out lock feature is disabled. If a timeout lock is required this would need to be provided by a third party control system.

The Lock Command is disabled if there is active paging occurring on the paging station. Therefore a paging station will not lock while the PTT button is enabled. Also If serial PTT is enabled and the PTT has been enabled (with a 'T Y' command). A 'T N' command should be used immediately before a Lock command.

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “L”> <State>state string</State></Status>


Example Sequence with XML Responses

V 1234

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="V"><State>AUTH_SUCCESS</State></Status>



<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="L"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Query configuration command (Q)

The “Q” command can be used to query aspects of the paging station’s configuration.  Commands are provided to display a list of available Page Codes, details of a particular Page Code’s configuration, and a list of available Local World zones.  In addition the query command can be used to request the current paging station status.

The “Q” command can be executed whether or not the paging station is PIN locked.

In the case of EWS emergency paging stations the list of Page Codes will include only emergency Page Codes (those that page to Emergency Zones).

Q E - Query Emergency Paging Priority Threshold




Not needed

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Query Command=”E”>





Q T Z z – Query Page Inhibit priority threshold






The response will be:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Query Command=”Q T Z”>





Q L-  Query List of assigned Page Codes Command




Not needed


The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Query Command= “L”><State>STATE_OK</State><Pagecodes count=”Number of codes”>

<Pagecode id=”Pagecode”>Pagecode label</Pagecode>

<Pagecode id=”Pagecode”>Pagecode label</Pagecode>


<Pagecode id=”Pagecode”>Pagecode label</Pagecode>



Example Sequence with XML Responses

Q L <?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command="L"><State>STATE_OK</State> <Pagecodes count="4"> <Pagecode id="1">Page code 1</Pagecode> <Pagecode id="2">Page code 2</Pagecode> <Pagecode id="3">Page code 3</Pagecode> <Pagecode id="4">Page code 4</Pagecode> </Pagecodes></Query>

In this example, four Page Codes are been returned following a Q L Command.

Q P - Return the configuration of a specified Page Code.




Pagecode id

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Query Command= “P”><State>State string</State><PageCodeDetail id=”Pagecode”>





<AutoRepeat enabled=Repeatstate>












<Zones count=”Number of zones”>

<Zone id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone>

<Zone id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone>

<Zone id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone>



"State string" will be one of:

"Pagecode" is a decimal number between 1 and 999

"Preamble" will be

"Type" can be one of the following:

"RepeatState" can be

If the "RepeatState" is 'true' then the <Count> and <Interval> values will show the Page Code auto repeat configured values.

Example Sequence with XML Responses

Q P 1 <?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command="P"><State>STATE_OK</State><PageCodeDetail id="1"> <Preamble>N</Preamble> <Priority>1</Priority> <PageCodeType>PAGE_TYPE_LIVE</PageCodeType> <PageCodeLabel>Page Code 1</PageCodeLabel> <AutoRepeat enabled=false> <Count> <Min>1</Min> <Default>1</Default> <Max>9999</Max> </Count> <Interval> <Min>0</Min> <Default>0</Default> <Max>43200</Max> </Interval> </AutoRepeat> <Zones count="1"> <Zone id="1">Zone 1</Zone></Zones></PageCodeDetail></Query>


Q S - Return the current operating state of the paging station.



Q S Not needed

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command= “S”><State>State string</State>


"State" will be one of the following:

State string will be one of:

Example Sequence with XML Responses

Q S <?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command="S"><State>STATE_OK</State> <PagingStationStatus>PXY_SECURITY</PagingStationStatus></Query>   V 1234 <?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="V"> <State>AUTH_SUCCESS</State></Status>   Q S <?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command="S"><State>STATE_OK</State> <PagingStationStatus>PXY_DEST_IDLE</PagingStationStatus></Query>


Q Z - Return a list of all the available zones in the world.




Not needed

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command= “Z”><State>State string</State><Zones count=”Number of zones”><Zone  id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone><Zone  id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone>...<Zone  id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone><Zone  id=”Id”>”Zone name string”</Zone></Zones></Query>

Where State string will be one of:

Note: The zone “Id” corresponds directly with the Zone numbers configured in the Vocia Configuration.

In the case of EWS emergency paging stations the list of zones will include only emergency zones.

Example Sequence with XML Responses

Q Z <?xml version="1.0"?><Query Command="Z"><State>STATE_OK</State> <Zones count="4"> <Zone id="1">Zone 1</Zone> <Zone id="2">Zone 2</Zone> <Zone id="3">Zone 3</Zone> <Zone id="4">Zone 4</Zone> </Zones></Query>


Pagecode Command (P)

The P command allows the third party application to select a Page Code from one of those in the list of configured codes (see Q L command).  This Page Code will then be used for subsequent pages until another Page Code is selected or modified.  The page code defines the type of page, its priority, the destination zones,  whether or not a preamble will be played prior to the announcement and the default number of repeats and repeat time. The Page Code repeat parameters will always be available via VTP - these can be customized and defined separately using the R N, R I and R T commands. See the Auto_Repeat_options section for more details

Command Argument
P Pagecode id

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “P”> <State>State string</State></Status>

State string will be one of:

Example Sequence with XML Responses

P 1

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="P"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


P 2

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="P"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>

Examples of Page Codes with Custom Repeat settings

PageCode Command with Auto Repeat User adjustable repetition count and Interval defined

Command and Sequence Argument
P Pagecode id
R N Quantity
R T Time


Example Sequence with XML Responses - Specifying 5 repeats every 100 seconds

P 1

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="P"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>

R N 5

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>

R T 100

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Zone Commands (Z)

Use the “Z” command to specify a set of custom destination paging zones for subsequent Live or Pre-recorded pages.  This will override the current destination zone selection.

Z Z zones -Specify destination zones using a space delimited list of zone numbers.




zone/s id

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command= “Z”><State>State string</State></ZonesStatus>

State string will be one of:


Example Sequence with XML Responses

Z Z 1 2 3 55

<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command="Z"><State>STATE_OK</State></ZonesStatus>


Sets zone allocation for zones 1,2,4 & 55.

Z A - Request that all available zones be used as a destination for the next page.

Command Argument
Z A Not needed

Note that for EWS emergency paging stations this command will select only emergency paging zones.

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command= “A”><State>State string</State></ZonesStatus>

State string will be one of:

Example Sequence with XML Responses


<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command="A"><State>STATE_OK</State></ZonesStatus>


Set Page Options command (C)

The C command is used to "lock in " the zones specified in a previous Z Z or Z A command, as well as specify the priority of the page, whether or not it will use a preamble, and whether it is a live, infinite or delayed page. The Page Code repeat parameters will always be available via - these can be customized and defined separately using  the R N, R I commands. See the Audio_Repeat_options section for more details. The priority parameter will only accept a priority in the appropriate paging priority range for the paging station (ie. in the regular paging priority range for the DS-4, DS-10, WS-4 and WS-10 and in the emergency paging priority range for the EWS-4 and EWS-10). The 'C' command will respond with a STATE_FAULT type response if the priority is outside the appropriate paging priority range for the paging station. The 'C' command replaces the deprecated 'S' command (pre 1.6) and deprecated 'O' command (pre 1.8).





pre pri type


The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “O”><State>State string</State></Status>

State string will be one of:

Example Sequence with XML Responses

Z Z 1 2 3


<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command="Z"><State>STATE_OK</State></ZonesStatus>     C N 4 L <?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="O"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Examples of Page Codes with Custom Repeat settings

Set Page Options Command with Auto Repeat User adjustable repetition count and Interval defined.


Command and Sequence



Zone number


pre pri type






Example Sequence with XML Responses - Specifying 5 repeats every 100 seconds

Z Z 1 2 3

<?xml version="1.0"?><ZonesStatus Command="Z"><State>STATE_OK</State></ZonesStatus>


C N 4 L

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="O"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


R N 5

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


R T 100

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Auto Repeat options (R)

Auto repeat options are configurable via PS-VTP per paging station and operate regardless of the selected Page Code pre-configured auto-repeat parameters. Repeat parameters must be defined via VTP to suit the required operation. Consideration should be given to track the current active repeat mode of the paging station.

R C - used to cancel a repeating Page.




Not needed

Cancels any active repeating pages.


R N - specify the number of times a particular announcement will be repeated




Quantity (number)

Quantity can be specified between 1 and 9999.

The ability to specify the number of repeats via VTP will never be inhibited. The number of repeats will default to zero, so no repetition of announcements will occur. If a  repeat count has been defined on an earlier VTP command this will persist for all subsequent pages and page codes. Set the repeat count back to zero ( R N 0 ) if repetition is no longer required.

R I -  used to request infinite playback of announcements.  




Not needed

Active Infinite page announcements can only be stopped using the 'R C' command.

The ability to specify infinite playback via VTP will never be inhibited. The infinite playback setting will persist for all subsequent pages and page codes.  After being enabled the R I command can be disabled with the R N command.

R T - specify the time interval in seconds between repetitions for subsequent announcements




time (seconds)

The time will be specified in seconds and must be less than or equal to 43200 (12 hours).

The ability to specify the repeat interval via VTP will never be inhibited. The repeat interval will default to zero seconds. If the repeat interval has been defined on an earlier VTP command this will persist for all subsequent pages and page codes. Set the repeat interval back to zero ( R T 0 ) if repetition is no longer required.

Examples of Page Codes with Custom Repeat settings

PageCode Command with Auto Repeat User adjustable repetition count and Interval defined

Command and Sequence



Pagecode id






Example Sequence with XML Responses - Specifying 5 repeats every 100 seconds

P 1 <?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="P"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status> R N 5 <?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status> R T 100 <?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="R"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Push to Talk command (T)

The T command is used to “press” or “depress” the push-to-talk button.

T state





Where state is Y to depress the push-to-talk, or N to release it or A to release and depress.  If the Push-To-Talk has been enabled with a T Y, it can be reset with a T N before sending any new Paging  commands. T A allows the push-to-talk button to be re-depressed without having to release it first.

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command= “T”><State>State string</State></Status>

State string will be one of:

Example Sequence with XML Responses


<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="T"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>



<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="T"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>



<?xml version="1.0"?><Status Command="T"><State>STATE_OK</State></Status>


Delayed Page Send/Cancel command (D)

The “D” command is used to send or cancel a delayed page.

D action





Where action is S to send the delayed page, or C to cancel the delayed page.

The response will be:

<?xml version="1.0"?><DelayedPageStatus Command= “S”><State>State string</State></DelayedPageStatus>

State string will be one of:

Set Page Options command (S)


The ‘S’ command has been deprecated in Vocia release 1.6.

Please refer to the O_- Set_Page_Options_command .

The paging station firmware will include support for it in order to provide backwards compatibility with existing systems.  It will continue to accept a paging priority in the range 1-4, provided the Emergency Paging Priority threshold is set to the legacy value = 5.  This will mean that for emergency paging stations, the priority used for a page that is setup via PS VTP will be equal to the value of priority supplied via PS VTP plus the Emergency Paging Priority Threshold minus one. For example:      

  • Emergency Paging Priority Threshold = 5

  • Value of priority supplied via PS VTP = 2 (i.e. Emergency Medium)

  • Actual priority used for an emergency page = 2 + 5 - 1 = 6

The Vocia logger will also note a 'command has been deprecated' error whenever this command is used.

Set Page Options command (O)


The ‘O’ command has been deprecated in Vocia release 1.8.

Please refer to the C - Set Page Options command.

The paging station firmware will include support for it in order to provide backwards compatibility with existing systems. It will continue to accept the "delay" argument which can be N for a live page, or Y for a delayed page.


The Vocia logger will also note a 'command has been deprecated' error whenever this command is used.