PS VTP Interface

The Auxiliary port on the Vocia DS-4, DS-10, WS-4, WS-10, EWS-4 and EWS-10 allows for the ability to expand the uses of the paging station.  Please note the WS Paging Stations will only reference Non Emergency Paging Zones. EWS paging stations will only reference Emergency Paging Zones.  

Fig 1: DS-4 Auxiliary Port dialog window

For suitable hardware to interface to the Paging Station Auxiliary port please also refer to the VPSI-1 Hardware and VPSI-1 Wiring Topologies sections.

The Auxiliary Port provides:

The paging station operates as a slave to the third party controller and as a result will only respond to commands sent to it.

The Vocia software is used to enable and configure the RS-232 connections to the paging station. Once the paging station is placed in the configuration, settings can be configured in the General Settings tab for the relevant paging station.


RS-232 Connection

Baud Rate - 57600

Data Bits - 8

Parity- None

Stop Bits - 1

Flow Control - None