MS-1e Options

This tab allows the RS-232 port to be enabled or disabled and options for the serial port settings to be configured. The RS-232 Port Settings controls will be greyed out unless Enable RS-232 is checked.

RS-232 Port Settings

The following settings are supported and may be adjusted accordingly. Defaults are shown in bold.

• Baud Rate (9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)

• Stop Bits (1, 2)

• Parity (Odd, Even, None)

• Data Bits (7, 8)

• Flow Control (Xon/Xoff, Hardware, None)

A MS-1 with RS-232 enabled must have at least one VTP User configured under the VTP Users section of the Universe Properties otherwise a Validation error is reported.

All MS-1e VTP commands available to the MS-1e TCP/IP interface are also available via a RS-232 connection. Both RS-232 and TCP/IP connections can be used simultaneously.

The RS-232 interface supports a command rate of 10 commands per second except where a response is expected in which case the controller must wait for the response in its entirety.

Advanced Live Interworld Paging Settings

The Advanced Live Interworld Paging Settings should only be adjusted under direct instruction from the network administrator or a Biamp technician. These options are only available with the 'e' variety MS-1. The standard MS-1 does not support this feature.