The Right Click Menu can be accessed by right clicking the TTS-1e in the Item column of the main Layout window. Options provided in this menu include Configure TTS-1e, Delete TTS-1e, Open TTS-1 Web Interface, IP Configuration, Retrieve TTS-1 System Log, Reset/Initialise, Reset IP configuration to Factory default, and Cut/Copy/Paste/Paste Special.
Configure TTS-1e will open the TTS-1e Properties dialog window.
Delete TTS-1e will remove the TTS-1e from the configuration.
Open TTS-1e Web Interface will open a browser session to the Web Interface using the IP address specified in the TTS-1e dialog.
IP Configuration will open a dialog which allows the desired IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway information to be entered. The TTS-1e IP address can only be modified when Online to an MS-1(e) and TTS-1(e) and also connected to the same CobraNet LAN.
Retrieve TTS-1e Log will allow a text copy of the TTS-1e specific log messages to be saved.
Reset/Initialize will return the TTS-1e to factory default configuration but will not reset the IP configuration settings. The Reset/Initialize process includes resetting the Device Configuration and will remove any loaded Voice Fonts.
Reset IP configuration to Factory default will return the TTS-1e IP address to the factory default of