World Control Handles

Control Handles in Vocia are used to tie Control Inputs and Control Outputs together.  The menu item can only be selected when a World is highlighted in the Layout, as Control Handles are set up on a per World basis.

Select World Control Handles in the Tools Menu and a pop up window which is titled “Control Handle Configuration” will appear.  This window is also generated when the “Manage Control Handles” icon is selected within the VI-6 and VO-4 and GPIO-1 dialog windows.  

New will add a Control Handle to the Control Handle List

Delete will remove the highlighted Control Handle from the Control Handle List.  Please note that if the Control Handle is being used by the system it will be deleted from all items in the software that it has been utilized in i.e. the Scheduler, VI-6,  VO-4 and GPIO-1

Duplicate creates a duplicate of the highlighted control handles settings. This new control handle will then populate the Control Handle List.

Control Handle List will display the configured World Control handles.

Control Handle Details allow the customizing of the Name and Description of the Control Handle. The default name given to the control handle will be “New Control Handle” followed by a number that is dependent on the amount of control handles configured within the selected World.

Input Source can be specified as either: