Auto Repeating Message Manager

Auto Repeat Message Manager Dialog

The Auto Repeat Message Manager is designed as a troubleshooting tool and is used to review and cancel active Auto Repeating messages created by MS VTP. PS VTP, LSI VTP and TTS VTP triggered Sequences will not appear in the Message Manager.

The dialog, accessible from the Tools Menu, displays a list of the currently repeating Messages of the selected World. The dialog will connect to all MS-1's in the world via VTP, logging in using the credentials of the 1st User listed in the VTP User List in the Universe dialog. Consequently, there must be at least one valid VTP User for this to work and the Message Manager option will be greyed out from the Tools menu if no VTP User is available. Once connected, the status bar will be updated with the "Connected" message when all MS-1's are connected. If only some MS-1's are connected, the message "Connected - One or more MS-1's didn't respond" will be displayed, otherwise "Not Connected" will be displayed if no MS-1's could be connected to.

Once connected, each Repeating Announcement will be displayed in it's own row with the ID it was assigned when created, the MS-1 it is playing from, the number of times to be repeated, the interval between repeats, the number of playbacks that have occurred and the number of playbacks that will occur. A button in the left most column will allow a specific message to be Cancelled.

The Message List is refreshed automatically every 5 seconds. Also, if only partially connected, the system will keep attempting to connect to the remaining MS-1's at this 5 second interval too. A message in the lower status bar shows the last time the Message List was updated. If not all MS-1's are connected, the status text will be updated to say "Connecting…". Additionally, the status text will display "Retrieving Auto Repeat Messages…" in all cases.

The Refresh menu option will allows the message list to be refreshed manually, and will try to connect to any MS-1's that are not currently connected.

The Cancel All option cancels all VTP messages that are currently set to repeat on all MS-1's currently connected. The status text will be updated to "Cancelling all repeating messages…" while the cancellation is performed.

Auto Repeating Message Manager

The Auto Repeating Message Manager will display any active MS-VTP recorded messages configured to auto repeat.

Refresh - will force the update of the message list.

Cancel All - will stop all active messages.

Information in the table includes: