LSI-16e General Settings

The Life/Safety Interface 16e (LSI-16e) window can be accessed by double clicking the LSI-16e in the Item column of the Layout or right clicking the Device and selecting Configure LSI-16e. The General Settings page will appear.  

Adjacent Emergency Paging Station

The purpose of the Adjacent Emergency Paging Station is that it can be used to mute the LSI-16e sounder output. If the sounder and the paging station are located in the same acoustic space as in a control room, this feature will become particularly useful. Emergency Pages would otherwise be difficult to comprehend with noise from the Alarm sounder in the background. The Adjacent Emergency Paging Station dropdown box will only become active if an EWS-4 or EWS-10 have been added to the project file in the Layout window (see Add Audio Inputs). Only one Adjacent Emergency paging station can be allocated to an LSI-16e and only one LSI-16 or LSI-16e can be added per World.

General Options

These are both enabled by default. If no PoE power is being provided to the unit there is the option to disable the alarm reporting of the PoE power monitoring to either or both of the RJ-45 network ports.

VTP Connection Type

The VTP connection method can be specified as TCP, RS-232 Local, TCP & RS-232 Local, and RS-232 Remote Control via LSI-16e VTP.

RS-232 and TCP can also be used to provide 3rd party control and monitoring of the state of the LSI-16e through a terminal interface or 3rd party controller. Connection details can be found in the LSI-16e VTP Interface section and a list of available VTP commands can be found in the LSI-16e VTP Glossary.

RS-232 is a monitored connection that requires a VTP token to be used. Monitoring on TCP connections is optional. See LSI-16e VTP Interface and LSI-16e VTP H Command

The RS-232 Remote Control via LSI-16(e) VTP option is used to support relaying VTP commands from one LSI-16(e) to another to facilitate a single connection to the Vocia Emergency system by a third party control system. To use this setting another LSI-16(e) must be present in the system and configured to use one of the other three available VTP connection types.

IP Configuration

The IP address information entered here will allow access to the LSI-16e web interface and simple status reporting of the device and associated emergency equipment in a read only format. It is also used for third party control (see LSI-16e VTP). For a PC to access the LSI-16e web interface connect the network interface card (NIC) to the CobraNet network and ensure that the IP and subnet range of the PC and the LSI-16e match.

To enable LSI-16 Web Interface access, a VTP User must first be created, the TCP connection enabled under the VTP Connection Type and the credentials entered in to the VTP TCP Security fields. When creating a VTP User in the Universe Properties the user name and password fields are limited to 16 characters, are case sensitive and cannot contain spaces.

Monitored TCP Connections

TCP Connections (appear if TCP is enabled as a connection type) Up to four connections can be specified. These connections can be enabled or disabled as required. The connection name is a customizable field that is used as the ‘connection id’ when using the H (Handshake) command.  Each connection name has to be unique and if the connection is enabled, the connection must have a name. See LSI-16e VTP Interface and LSI-16e VTP H Command

VTP TCP Security

The VTP TCP Security field provides fields to set a User Name and Password for remote control access of the LSI-16e. This information must be set if the LSI-16e is going to be controlled via TCP.

System Fault Reset Options

Enable Remote Reset allows the System Fault Alarm to be reset via the LSI VTP interface using the R S command or via the Vocia software. The Audio & Live Control tab is used to facilitate this feature in the Software. See LSI-16 VTP Interface and Reset System Fault for further details on the R S VTP command. Note that only people logged to the software with the Administrator account will be able to reset the system out of fault. A VTP user must also be available for VTP reset of a fault.

Reset on Master Triggers Reset on All Slaves In a Master / Slave emergency subsystem the behavior of the System Fault Reset input on the Master LSI-16(e) can be configured such that it causes System Fault indication to be reset across the entire Emergency system. Note that when configured to reset just the Master LSI-16(e) a System Fault that originates in an Emergency subsystem being monitored by a Slave LSI-16(e) will need to be cleared both at the Slave LSI-16(e) and then at the Master LSI-16(e).