DS-4/WS-4 Auxiliary Port

Each Vocia paging station has an Auxiliary Port that can be used to control and input audio directly into the paging station remotely via a Vocia Paging Station Interface 1 (VPSI-1) or a Vocia Auxiliary Microphone 1 (VAM-1). The Auxiliary Port can facilitates functions such as a balanced audio input, a PS-VTP connection, external Push-to-Talk and LED feedback of Zone and Paging states. Note some of the features listed above may not be available depending on which auxiliary device and port mode is used.

Auxiliary Port Configuration

In the software the Auxiliary Port Mode can be selected as Disabled, Remote Control or Auxiliary Microphone.

Remote Control Mode

When the Paging Station is configured for Remote Control Mode the Paging Station LCD screen will display 'Remote' and will not allow the selection of page codes from the paging station keypad.

Remote Control Configuration section

If Remote Control Mode is selected additional options for the Push-to-Talk (PTT) Source and Audio Source can then be chosen.

The PTT and Audio Source operate in a mutually exclusive manner. For example if PTT Source is set to Local then the Discrete and Serial modes are not selectable.

Auxiliary Microphone Configuration section

If Auxiliary Microphone Mode is selected options for how Page routing should behave when triggered remotely become available.

When the paging station is configured for serial control, the paging station default time out lock feature is disabled. If a time out lock is required this would need to be provided by a third party control system.