Emergency Page Codes

As mentioned under the Page Codes section of this manual, a Page Code is series of settings that comprise a paging event within a Vocia system. However, for emergency purposes a different type of Page Code can be used. Emergency Page Codes are designed to override normal Page Codes and will also only be assignable to Emergency Zones.  

The New icon is used to create a New Page Code. Next to the New icon is the Delete icon which removes the selected Page Code or Codes, depending on what has been highlighted in the columns below. A Duplicate icon is also provided to duplicate a Page Code and its features.


Configuration Tab

This is used to specify the Page settings and Page Length settings.

Configuration - General  

The Emergency Page Code priority levels have a higher priority than any regular Page Code and can be used at any time. Execution of an Emergency Page Code with a higher level of Priority will have precedence over all regular Page Codes and Emergency Page Codes of a lower Priority Level, causing the lower priority page to cease if the two are being used at the same time. If two Emergency Page Codes have the same priority level and attempt to access the same zone at the same time, the Store & Forward functionality built into the Paging Stations will be invoked. More information on Priority Levels can be found in the Role of Priority Levels section.  

Emergency Page Length

The radio button in the Emergency Page Length window can be used to set the Page Code as a Universe, Infinite or Custom Length message to allow different time restrictions on a per-Page Code basis.

The group box contains three options for configuring the length available to the Emergency Page Code:

Emergency Zones tab

Once an Emergency Page Code has been created, it needs to be assigned to a destination Zone. An Emergency Page Code can be assigned to one or many Emergency Zones and the Emergency Zones tab allows the assignments. As an example the user might assign an Emergency Page Code to an airport gate area (one Emergency Zone) or an entire airport terminal (many Emergency Zones). Emergency Zones are created in the World Properties window. Once an Emergency Zone has been created it will populate the Emergency Zone tree in the Page Codes window. Simply select the checkbox beside the Zone that is to be assigned to the Page Code and the selection will remain until it is saved or discarded.