Paging Station Status Messages

The following is a list of Paging Station status messages.  Vocia Paging Stations display a range of messages that can give an indication of many different system situations.  Use this list as a guide to the operation of paging stations and as a means of diagnosing system problems. Paging activity information is also included as part of the System Logging, please refer to the Log Viewer for further information.

Message Description
Cancel Request? This indicates that the selected Page Code represents a Live Page configured to be a Delayed Release page.  Once the PTT button is released the Cancel Request prompt on the LCD will begin to flash and this will continue for the length of the Cancel Delay.  If the user presses the Cancel button within this  period, the recorded page will be discarded and the system will return to idle status.  If the Cancel button is not pressed, the message will be released for playback as soon as all destination zones are available at the specified Priority level.  The Cancel Request? message will be displayed on the LCD for the duration of the Cancel Delay time.
Destination Busy This indicates that at least one of the Zones assigned to currently selected Page Code has paging activity occurring but at a lower priority level.  Under this condition, a Page from this Paging Station will be made and played through the Zone(s).  The paging activity from the lower priority source would be stopped and discarded to allow the current Page to proceed..
Destination Delay This indicates that at least one of the Zones in the list for the currently selected Page Code has paging activity at a priority equal to or higher than the priority of this paging code.  A page made from this Paging Station during this state would be delayed and released when the busy Zones become available using Store & Forward functionality.
Destination Idle This indicates that the Page Code selected is available for use and that there are no busy zones in the selected Page Code.  A Live Page can be made while the Paging Station is displaying this message.
Device ID : xx If any three buttons are selected on a Paging Station at the same time the unit will display its Device ID, Firmware Version, and current System Date and Time.
Ending in ‘x’ Secs This indicates that the selected Page Code is about to Timeout. This message will be displayed 15 Seconds before a Page will end either because the 120 second Vocia Page limit will be exceeded, or if the Page Code is a Delayed Release Page the Paging Station has used all of its Store & Forward memory. The Talk Now Status LED will also blink in time with the Countdown. The ‘x’ signifies a value in seconds that will be counting down to zero.
Invalid Page Code This indicates that the selected Page Code is not accessible to the Paging Station. This message will be accompanied with an ‘Undefined’ message in the top left corner of the display.  Select a different Page Code or assign the selected Page Code to the Paging Station (see Page Codes).
No Network This indicates that the Paging Station is not connected to a functioning network. Check network connections and settings
Not Available This indicates that the device is online but not configured as it is not part of a Vocia Project configuration. Assign the Paging Station required Page Codes to include it as part of a valid Vocia Project.
Please Talk Now This indicates that the PTT button has been pressed and the page has been correctly setup in the system, any assigned preamble has finished and the audio path is open.  This display corresponds to a green Status LED indication.
Please Wait This indicates that the PTT button has been pressed and the Zone availability and assignment is being performed. If a Preamble has been specified, this message will continue to be displayed while it is playing. This displayed state will correspond with the Amber Status LED being illuminated. Once the Zone is ready for a live paging announcement it will display Please Talk Now
Request Failed This indicates that the PTT button has been pressed and the request has failed.  Please refer to the Log Viewer for further information. If the Page Code is configured as recorded announcement check that an MS-1 is Online and configured to play this announcement.
Request Queued This indicates that the selected Page Code represents a request to play a Recorded Announcement.  When the Zone(s) are ready to receive the announcement this message will be played and the Paging Station will return to the “Destination Idle” state.
Security access required This indicates that the Paging Station is locked and configured in Remote mode. A Third Party Control System is required to send a unlock Code using a Validate PIN command.
Station is Locked Enter PIN This indicates that the Paging Station is locked and requires a 4 digit unlock Code. Entering the unlock code and selecting the 'Enter' or PTT button will unlock the Paging Station. The PIN Groups are managed in the Universe Properties PIN Groups Section.
System Mute A System Mute Message is displayed when a Control Input configured as a System Mute has been enabled. This text is able to be customized in the World Properties > Options Dialog. The Paging Station Will also display a Zones Unavailable message.
Timed Out This indicates the 120 second Vocia Page limit has been exceeded or, if the Page Code is a Delayed Release Page the Paging Station has used all of its Store & Forward memory. Any Pages that time out will be indicated in the Log Viewer.
Zones Unavailable This indicates that the Zones specified in the Page Code have Inhibit Paging enabled, are Offline or System Mute is active. The Paging Station was unable to configure a audio path to the Zone specified. This could be due to network or device availability. Please refer to the Log Viewer for further information and review the Layout for any devices that appear as Offline.